Visitors witness Beneavin’s dedication to the Mission

Beneavin De La Salle had a wonderful visit from Br Tommy Walsh, Auxiliary Visitor, and Mr Pat Walsh, Director of Formation, who were able to witness at first hand the dedication of all in the school.

The Lasallian Animation Team along with senior management had planned out a full day of engagement for our visitors. Br Tommy and Pat had the opportunity to meet with senior management and discuss the Lasallian ethos and activities in the school. 

The visitors got the opportunity to meet with our fantastic student prefects who outlined the very important role they play in our school. The group led our visitors around the school meeting the different classes and teachers throughout the day.

Pat and Br Tommy also got a presentation from our student led TALK group which is our mental health group in the college. The students outlined the many different events and activities they undertake in the school all year round. Br Tommy and Pat spoke to them, thanking them for all their work.

Following this, our visitors got the opportunity to meet the school's Ember Team who spoke to about their role within the school before leading our 1st years in our November remembering service.

It was fantastic for our school that our visitors got to meet individual students throughout the day, the school's caretaker and administration staff and our school cleaners to hear the important contribution they make to our school on a daily basis.

Lunch was had with the full staff to celebrate the work they do living out the Lasallian ethos in the classroom. At the end of the day our visitors got to spend time chatting with the Animation Team and thanking them for all the work they do within the school before meeting with the school’s Board of Management at the end of the day.

It was a pleasure to have Br Tommy and Pat spend the day with us and to see the work we do as a school community living out the Five Core Principles and ethos on a daily basis.

  • La Salle Team, Beneavin College, Finglas



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