Students at Macroom display a variety of talents

Students at De La Salle College Macroom have been involved in many activities of late, including the Christmas Shoebox Appeal, a table quiz, designing flags and playing hurling.

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Once De La Salle College Macroom had a great response to the Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal. 

Well done to the First Years for their fantastic response to this excellent charity. Mr Aindrias Moynihan TD collected the shoeboxes on Monday. 

What is the Christmas Shoebox Appeal?

The Christmas Shoebox Appeal is an annual campaign sending gift filled shoeboxes from Ireland to children affected by poverty in countries across Africa and Eastern Europe.

Table Quiz

Well done to all our First Years who competed in a science table quiz recently as part of Science Week. Our winners, Ryan Lehane, Conor O’Leary, Patrick Kelleher and Cian O’Riordan got a whopping 38 out of 45 questions, including some really tough ones. Well done boys!

And a big thank you to our 4th Year scientists, Jewel Ragin, Benjamin Murphy, Myles O’Riordan, Diarmuid Kelleher, Johnathan Martin and of course our assiduous quizmaster Mr. Jude Murphy.

Antarctic Flags Project 

Two of our school's hub students Dylan Leahy and William Kinsella created flag designs for the UK Polar Network's Antarctic Flags Project . This project pairs schools with scientists and support personnel travelling to Antarctica, who carry copies of flags designed by students to fly on the continent, returning photos and certificates to the schools upon the conclusion of their expeditions.

We can't wait to see our students' flags on proud display in the Antarctic!!


U14 hurlers putting in the hard work at training as the sun sets in Macroom.


Lasallian Ambassadors at St Margaret Ward distribute food parcels


Student Animator Group Gear up for “Last Christmas” in Downpatrick