Lasallian Ambassadors at St Margaret Ward distribute food parcels

This November, members of our chaplaincy team at St Margaret Ward Catholic Academy Lasallian Ambassadors, have been giving up their time to help package Food Parcels to be distributed among our community to families who may be in need.

The food was generously donated to the school by Asda and the students worked really hard to make up boxes, divide items and seal them ready for delivery. It was great to see the students working together, working hard and putting our Lasallian value of Concern for the Poor into action, they really exemplified what it means to be a member of our Lasallian Catholic community at St Margaret Ward!

We heard in the Gospel this week that ‘whatever you do to these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me’ and our students have certainly been working hard to treat members of our local community with dignity and care through their efforts.


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