St Margaret Ward live Lasallian values in Lourdes

During May half term, students and staff from St Margaret Ward Catholic Academy responded to a calling as they journeyed to Lourdes lived the Lasallian values and enjoyed a very rewarding time.

In 1858, Our Lady gave St Bernadette 3 very clear instructions, "Go and tell the build a chapel here... and that people should come in procession...". During May half term, they responded to this call as part of the Diocesan Pilgrimage 2023. 

A group of Sixth Form students and staff travelled to Lourdes via coach with the purpose of serving sick pilgrims. The week consisted of working in the Accueil, a hospital which accommodated 30 pilgrims of a variety of ages with different needs and abilities and escorting pilgrims to Mass and other sacramental services.

The staff and students worked incredibly hard serving those in need. They were a real credit to the Diocese and our school community going above and beyond what was expected of them.

Their hard work and the sacrifices they made were recognised by the Archbishop as we were asked to plant to Diocesan candle and distribute awards alongside Bishop David. Mrs Hodgkinson was also recognised for her outstanding work receiving the silver award for five years of service with the Diocese. 

As a Lasallian school, our core values promote inclusivity, respect for all and concern for the poor and social justice. The Lourdes group epitomises what it means to be Lasallian and we are very proud of everything they have achieved. 


Meeting of Council of Lasallian Educational Mission of RELEM


Message from Br. Ben Hanlon on Feast of Most Holy Trinity