Message from Br. Ben Hanlon on Feast of Most Holy Trinity

Dear Friends,

I wish each of you a very happy day today on the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. Today is a day of huge significance for all Lasallians. Traditionally, we Brothers renew our vows today, our commitment to continue to serve the Lord as De La Salle Brothers, regardless of age, infirmity or capacity. It is indeed a special day.

No doubt Lasallians who have not made a vowed commitment will find an opportunity to renew their own commitment to the mission in a way that is appropriate for them.. Because of the significance of Holy trinity Sunday for Lasallians Br Armin directed that his letter only be sent out today. While I am aware that it may intrude on the weekend, I feel sure you will excuse any intrusion and welcome this important communication which is for the the entire Institute.

Please find attached the letter from Br Armin, Superior General, to all Lasallians (Brothers and partners). It helps us to realise and understand how the Institute is moving on, changing and developing, in order to respond to current challenges. I hope you will find it enriching, stimulating and challenging.

I want to take this opportunity to congratulate Heather Gilson on her appointment as Institute Chair for the Commission on Association. This is a great honour for our District. Well done Heather and may God bless you in your role.

Wishing all of you the blessings of the Holy Trinity,



St Margaret Ward live Lasallian values in Lourdes


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