Meeting of Council of Lasallian Educational Mission of RELEM

The meeting of the Council of the Lasallian Educational Mission of RELEM (Lasallian Region of Europe and the Mediterranean) was held at the Generalate in Rome between June 13 and 14, 2023.

This meeting was scheduled as part of the usual calendar of the Council. and the District of Ireland, Great Britain and Malta was represented by Director of Mission, Joe Gilson.

The topics dealt with were the life of the Districts and Delegation since the last meeting; the need to resume the communication service at a Regional level; the nomination of the roles of Secretary and Moderator of the Council and the preparations being made for the RELEM Assembly in February 2024.

The atmosphere of work and conviviality was, as usual, very positive and fraternal, as is typical in the Lasallian Family.  The Council’s next meeting is September 18/19, 2023.

  •  Tomeu Martorell


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