Praying for peace at Retreat Centre, Castletown

After a welcome October break we have returned to the De La Salle Retreat Centre, Castletown, and continue to welcome many groups to us.

We were visited by Storm Debi a week after our return but thankfully we seemed to escape the worst of its effects, unlike other parts of the country that were not as fortunate. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all affected by it.

Storm clouds (of conflict) continue in other parts of the world and we are praying every day for peace to break out in Gaza and other conflict zones. We are fast approaching the annual celebration of the birth of the Prince of Peace and the world needs to embrace the Christ-child more than ever.

Thankfully we are able to provide an oasis of calm and peace to the students who come to us and the care and consideration they show to one another brings hope to a world in constant need of it.

As well as peace for the living, we also, in this month of November, remember those who have died and we pray that they are resting in peace. We remember especially the Brothers who have gone before us and who have made it possible for us to continue to do the work we do.

Eternal rest grant unto them Oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in Peace. Amen. 

  • Castletown Pastoral Team


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