November is a busy month at St Gerald’s DLS Castlebar

November has been a very busy month in St Gerald's De La Salle College Castlebar, with events including, gardening, shoebox appeal, Chess Club, College Awareness Week, debating and Maths & Science Week.

The newly established SGC Young Farmers group, led by Ms. Horan, enjoyed a well-deserved cup of tea after working hard to give the flower beds, in the school garden, a much-needed winter weed. The group is looking forward to getting to work in the polytunnel when spring comes back around.

Our Transition Year students were busy early in the month sorting, packing and wrapping after staff, students and parents generously contributed to Team Hope’s Christmas Shoebox Appeal.

SCG celebrated College Awareness Week during November. CAW aims to inspire and inform all students in Ireland about the importance of having a post-secondary education plan. Class-based activities and out-of-school visits were organised so students could see the options that are out there. During this time, LCA students enjoyed a visit to Mayo College of Further Education.

In school, Claire Connor from Technological University of the Shannon, Athlone spoke to 6th years on everything TUS Athlone has to offer a prospective student. SGC teachers also used the opportunity to share what inspired them to become teachers and follow their respective career paths.   

Congratulations to the recently crowned SGC Chess Champion 2022 - Paddy Connolly 1st Year - who is presented with the Simon Marshall Memorial Cup by Chess Club Co-ordinator Joe Daly. The club has begun preparations for the All Ireland's where they hope to win back the title. We wish them the very best of luck!

November saw Maths and Science celebrated within St Gerald’s College. The Science Department organised an action-packed week of activities and events to mark Science Week 2022: quizzes, STEM activities, and a science-themed photo competition, to name a few. Just before the school community parted ways for mid-term, Maths Week celebrated the importance of Maths both in school and in everyday life.

Niall McDermott and Hugh Bourke, pictured with Principal Mr Shaun Burke, were crowned the Senior and Junior winners of the 2022/23 SCG Maths Week Quiz after the challenge came down to tiebreaker.

Here in SGC, we look forward to celebrating the many subjects on offer as the year progresses. As November drew to an end, SGC took part in ‘National Stand Up Awareness Week’ as we strive to make our school a safe and inclusive environment.

St. Gerald’s DLS College has a strong tradition in Irish Debating at both Junior and Senior Level. Comhghairdeas to the Junior and Senior Irish Debating teams who won and are through to the next round of the Gael-Linn Comórtas Díospóireachta an Phiarsaigh.


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