Enjoying the new energy at Dublin Retreat Centre

Retreats at La Salle Retreat Centre Dublin continue to thrive at our new centre in Ballyfermot. The feedback on the premises has been positive from pupils and teachers alike. Due to rising costs and minimising fuel expenditure, schools are tending to double up on the groups to send out to us. It means bigger groups for sure but the centre is able for it and we are all enjoying the new energy. 

 We hosted a meeting of the three Irish centres recently where everyone was given the grand tour. As always it was a wonderful get together where invariably we learn new gems and practices from one another. The content of the meeting facilitated by Br. Martin was very relevant and on point with the nature of our daily mission and activities. Lunch afterwards was an enjoyable conclusion. 

We look forward to the coming special season of Advent and Christmas and of course the obligatory putting up of our Christmas tree.


Positive feedback for Castletown Retreat Centre


November is a busy month at St Gerald’s DLS Castlebar