News from De La Salle School Basildon

Lockdown Prayers and Mediations

During Lockdown, Chaplaincy has been providing prayers and reflections for young people and staff.

Lent 2021

On Ash Wednesday, this year, we launched ‘40 Acts for 40 Days’. Rather than traditionally giving up something we were asking both Staff and Students to take on an Act a day of kindness to family and friends during this Lent, whilst also raising money for five different charities;

Aid to the Church in Need – works with people who are unable to practise their faith and tradition as openly as we can.

Caritas Anchor House – Our diocesan Homeless Charity working Homeless people in the Diocese.

CAfOD – The Bishop’s Conference Aid organisation for Overseas Development.

Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society – working with Children and families in difficult times in the Diocese of Brentwood.

Young Minds – working with young people and their mental health especially during this pandemic


Solemnity Feast of St. Joseph – March 19th

This Year, the Pope has named 2021 as the Year of St Joseph Patron of Fathers, Workers, Refugees and the Universal Church.

He is also Patron of our Lasallian Family.

So during this year we specially invoke his love and care on our community here in Basildon. We have also been donated a figure of St Joseph, which is placed in our School Canteen.

Doug Mongan

Lay School Chaplain


And finally ……


Our congratulations go to our Chaplain, Doug Mongan, who has recently been elected as the National Co-ordinator for the Association of Catholic Chaplains in Education in England and Wales of which he and we as a school are members of.


St Peter’s video call with Reaching the Unreached


News from De La Salle College Community Waterford