Much to celebrate at De La Salle Senior School

Students at De La Salle College Senior School in Malta have been taking part in a number of activities recently, including volunteering projects and Pink October, as well as celebrating the start of the Scholastic Year, the month of the Holy Rosary and marking the retirement of one of their teachers.


De La Salle College students spent two hours of volunteering, during which activities included:

1. Sorting out donations

2. Deciding which clothes are suitable for donations and checking if they are clean and complete

3. Organising boxes

4. Throwing away boxes that are not useful anymore

5. Listening to a short lecture about how Ukrainian Refugees in Malta work and how to be aware of helping and making donations.

Helping with harvest

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others!" Mahatma Gandhi

Following St John Baptist de La Salle's footsteps, whilst being aware of what being a Lasallian is all about; De La Salle College students dedicated some of their free time, following a school day to help Fr Martin Micallef, at id-Dar tal-Providenza, in Siggiewi, during the olive harvest process.

A special thank you goes to our educators, as without their support these activities will not be possible, and to Maypole, who offered fresh doughnuts to our volunteers.

Code week 2022

Code Week 2022 was celebrated in the Senior school ICT labs between October 8th and 23rd.

Our students are being encouraged to visualise programming and bring ideas to life using coding skills during Computer Club during the mid-day break.

There were hands-on sessions for Computer Studies and VET IT Senior School students.

Certificates for participation wereg awarded during mid-day break assembly.

Holy Rosary

October is the month of the Holy Rosary. See Form 1 students praying the Rosary in front of the Grotto of Our Lady.

Pink October Fridays

Antoinette’s retirement

 Best wishes to Antoinette D’Amato as she approaches her retirement date. Antoinette has served as a Learning Support Educator for more than 20 years at De La Salle College showing exemplary dedication, commitment, and a spirit of genuine service to our students. Sincere thanks Antoinette for your living example of service to others.

 First Assembly

Please find attached pictures of the first assembly at the beginning of the scholastic year 2022 – 2023.

 "Lift up your hands to heaven to draw down God's blessings on those that you are guiding".

St John Baptist De La Salle.

Good luck to all the students.


Sharing the Lasallian values at St Gerald’s


Reflections on a wonderful Malta experience