Sharing the Lasallian values at St Gerald’s

Students at St Gerald’s De La Salle College in Castlebar have continue to live and share the Lasallian Values with a number of recent initiatives, while also broadening their minds with school tours, and representing the college on the sporting front.

Respect for all Persons and our Inclusive Community

The students of St Gerald’s College DLS continue to practise the core principles of their Lasallian school. 

Respect for all Persons and &Inclusive Community

The 2022/2023 Student Wellbeing Team was inducted in recent weeks. As part of Mental Health Awareness Week, team members received training from Cycle Against Suicide’s Headstrong Committee. The team will play a central role in campaigns and events promoting student wellbeing as the academic year progresses.

 5th year students, as part of Computer Science Week, tutored first year students in Computer Science, helping them get to grips with the technologies and platforms they will encounter on the secondary school journey.

 Concern for the Poor and Social Justice:

Some of your transition year students recently volunteered to help Galway Simon Community by sleeping out.

School trips

School Trips from St Gerald’s DLS Castlebar It has been a busy term so far for the students of St Gerald’s DLS Castlebar.

To name but a few: outings have brought 1st year students to Mayo Movie World, for bonding over bowling and games; 2nd year students cycling and kayaking in Cill Chiarán, Co. Galway; a number of 3rd year students to Delphi Adventure Centre to continue on the Bronze Gaisce journey; transition year students to ‘Hell and Back’ in Bray, Co. Wicklow; senior cycle Agricultural Science students to Conroy Farm Tours in Galway; and 6th year students to a production of ‘Macbeth’ in Dundrum, and Open Days in NUIG and UL.

Beginning of Year Mass 2022

The school community joined together in prayer for the Opening-of-Year School mass in Castlebar’s Church of the Holy Rosary. Many thanks to all who participated in the celebration (candle bearers, readers, servers, musicians, singers, the religion department and our Chaplain, Fr Shane). We look forward to the year ahead.

Sports Pursuits

Our students have shown excellent resilience and determination in the field of sport, adopting positive attitudes in their successes and defeats.


Embracing Lasallian Values at St Helens


Much to celebrate at De La Salle Senior School