Lasallian school in South Sudan in urgent need of books

The District of Ireland, Great Britain and Malta, has been asked to support an urgent need to provide books to aid the education of students at La Salle School in South Sudan.

In order to respond to the urgent educational need in South Sudan, La Salle School-Rumbek has been built to offer quality education to the next generation of South Sudanese. This school opened its doors in March 2018 in the premises of the Loreto Sisters, with 28 students. Our District of Ireland, Great Britain and Malta, has been asked to support an urgent need to provide books to aid the education of students at La Salle School.

We are looking for English language books from all areas of the curriculum across all stages of education along with reading books to help with the classroom teaching and learning and the establishment of a library. We are looking for an expression of support in this area at the moment with a view to share logistical arrangements once we know which schools/ locations are able to help.

Please find attached a list of books compiled by the school but we have been informed that any text books or reading books would be most appreciated. The only thing we would stress is to ensure that they are in a useable condition.

Another way to support this important cause could be to fundraise to purchase books to send to the school or to contribute towards the transportation costs to deliver the books to South Sudan.

Any questions or to express your interest to help with this please contact:

Jo Millea or Brother John Deeney

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