Invitation to formation webinar

An invitation for you!

18 February 2022 | 2 PM (IRE & GB)/  3 PM (Malta)

Fondazione De La Salle Solidarieta Internazionale ONLUS are happy to share the invitation to the fourth Webinar Paul VI, a high-level formation programme that the District of Italy has been carrying out since 2015.

The aim of this meeting is to

  • offer a qualified and high-level reflection on the theme of education to fraternal humanism in the context of today’s world health situation;

  • promote Lasallian theological-pedagogical thought in the face of today’s educational challenges;

  • offer continuity to Lasallian reflection and studies starting from the indications proposed by the Declaration on the Lasallian Educational Mission.

Everyone is invited
Share this invitation with those who may be interested.


Greeting : Br Robert Schieler, Superior General of the Brother of the Christian Schools La Salle

Introduction: Patrizia Moretti – Director of the Paul VI Project

What does fraternal humanism mean: the montinian origins of the concept
Angelo Maffeis- President Istituto Paolo VI Brescia

Young people in today’s pandemic context
Marika Pane - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Italy

Educating today: the Compact on Education of Pope Francis
Juan Antonio Ojeda Ortiz – Universidad La Salle Spain

Education in solidarity in the Declaration on the Lasallian Educational Mission
José Humberto Salguero Antelo – ULSA Noroeste

Educating to fraternal humanism: how?
Alejandro Méndez González – ULSA Noroeste

Online Education in the Period of the COVID-19. An Evaluation from Fraternal Humanism
Julio César Chapa Martell - Pastoral Educativa - México Norte

Final greetings: Br. Gustavo Ramirez Barba (FSC), General Councillor
Moderator: Br. Gabriele Di Giovanni (FSC)-Visitor of the Italian District


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