Lasallian Open Webinars return

The next meeting in the cycle of Lasallian Open Webinars will take place on Thursday February 10th at 11am (IRE & GB) and Noon (Malta).

The webinar will discuss:

  • How to defend the rights of the most vulnerable?

  • How to become the voice of the unheard?

  • What principles underlie our efforts to advocate?

Join us in this conversation with:

  • Medecins Sans Frontieres

  • Bureau International Catholique de l’Enfance

  • Good Shepherd International Foundation

  • Scalabrini International Migration Network

  • Fundación Mujer Iglesia La Salle.

Thanks to the support of Misean Cara

Everyone is invited so please share this invitation with those who may be interested.

Simultaneous translation will be available in French, Spanish, and English.


District Lenten Retreat


New Headteacher appointed at St Joseph’s, Beulah Hill