District Lenten Retreat

This year’s District Lenten Retreat will be led by the St Helens Community and all are invited to take part.

The retreat will be held over three Tuesdays in March, commencing on March 8th and concluding on March 22nd, with the programme as follows:

10:00am:      Morning Prayer followed by Presentation
 10:45am      Quiet Time
 11:45am      Mass
 4:15pm      'Break-out' Sharing Group(s)
 5:00 pm      Evening Prayer
To assist the organisation of the retreat, we would ask that those who wish to be part of the afternoon 4:15 Sharing Group to confirm attendance by emailing their name to communications@lasalleigbm.org by Friday March 4th.

Please note that we intend pre-recording the Morning Prayers and Meditations, thus making them available to those who would like to follow but are unable to make the particular times. Contact communications@lasalleigbm.org if you would like a copy of these recordings.

 Also, please contact the Communications Office at the above address if you would like a copy of the information sheet containing the timetable and the main points of the presentation.’


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