European Parliament President visits Malta school

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola recently visited De La Salle College, Birgu. She was welcomed by the college director, Mr Stephen Cachia, and senior school headmaster, Mr Norbert Zahra, together with the management team, staff, and students. A number of questions were addressed to Roberta Metsola, MEP by the students present in the Lasalle Hall.

Student Council

The Senior School Student Council and some of the candidates preparing for the Student Council Election on Friday 20th October, where all the students in the Senior School participated in the democratic process of choosing their Form Representative for this scholastic year.

Voluntary work

Our college strongly believes in the holistic education of our students. It is vital that they become aware of the different experiences faced by our fellow human beings as well as realize the joy of helping them. With this in mind, the senior school organised a voluntary work experience for the Form 4 students at Soup Kitchen OFM, in Valletta.


The month of October and May is dedicated to the Holy Rosary, one of the best known of all Catholic devotion. The best way to celebrate the month is, of course, to pray the Rosary. The Active Faith Club encouraged children to bring their rosary beads to school and pray for Peace on Earth during the midday break.

Mid-day break

Very proud of our boys who chose to attend one of the many clubs organised during mid-day break at De La Salle senior school. A huge thanks to all our educators who make a difference with their professionalism.


District represented at Formation Course for Directors of RELEM


Downpatrick visitors meet with Student Animator Group