District welcomes Pat Walsh as Director of Formation

The District of Ireland, Great Britain and Malta is delighted to welcome Pat Walsh to our Office of Mission following his appointment to the role of Director of Formation effective from September 1st, 2023.

Pat Walsh, a long time Catholic educator, has worked in a number of Lasallian schools in his educational career. More recently, he has held multiple positions as classroom teacher, chaplain, Deputy Principal and Principal in Christian Brothers schools in Ireland. Pat is based in Limerick and will be joining the Mission Team in developing and strengthening the District’s commitment, resources, and programmes in Formation.

In making this appointment, Brother Visitor Ben Hanlon reflected: “Pat will bring total commitment and dedication to this key role in the District and we are delighted to have his experience and expertise as we strive to achieve our goals as District… our goal to continue to grow as One La Salle so we can continue to inspire and support educational communities to transform the world through education. Welcome, Pat!”

Joe Gilson, Director of Mission, highlighted: “As a Team, we are delighted that Pat is joining us in this capacity. His charism and passion for Lasallian Catholic Education will be a great asset to the Team and Lasallian Family. He will bring decades of experience in championing ethos and formation at different levels across his career. We are confident that Formation, under his stewardship, will be able to touch more hearts and minds across our network of schools and pastoral centres.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish Jo Millea, our outgoing Director of Formation and Vocation Ministry, a smooth transition back to her alma mater, De La Salle School St Helens, at the end of her two-year secondment which will end on 31st August this year. Jo, has served this position and the District tirelessly and with great zeal. Her contribution to our network’s vitality is invaluable. We know we will continue to count on Jo and her many talents and experiences for many years to come.”

Following his appointment as Director of Formation, Pat stated: “I am privileged and excited to join the Office of Mission and happy to take up the challenge of getting to know as many of you as quickly as I can. The role is, for me, one of service. It is my nature to be open, available and to assist you, as fellow Lasallians, in any way I can.

I wish to bring an energy and enthusiasm to the role and to do my best to continue the great work that has already been done and is happening throughout the District. I firmly believe that a lived and active ethos is worth striving for and can be transformative to any school or centre. I look forward to working with you.”


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