District unites to celebrate Br Edward’s 100th birthday

The District of Ireland, Great Britain and Malta united in celebration on Saturday August 17th to honour Br. Edward Galea on his 100th birthday.

Br. Edward, who is part of the De La Salle College Community, is truly a legend throughout Malta and beyond as he continues to devote his time, energy and wisdom to help inspire the young people entrusted to his care.

While Br. Edward will turned 100 on August 16th, the official celebration took place on Saturday, 17th with a concelebrated Mass of thanksgiving led by Mgr. Chares J. Scicluna, Archbishop of Malta.

For the mass, a number of priests, most of them former students of De La Salle College, were in attendance. The Mas was held at the parish church and sanctuary of Our Lady of Graces, Zabbar - the village were Bro Edward was born and the parish church where he received Baptism.

This was followed by a reception at De La Salle College, where Bro Edward spent most of his life, which is situated not too far from Zabbar.

Born as Anthony on  August 16th 1924 in Żabbar, in May 1939 he left Malta with another 11 aspirants and travelled to the Juniorate at Avignon, France. Despite the outbreak of war in September 1939 he stayed in France and was given the religious name of Tiburce Marie and when in Malta in 1945, he started being called Edward.

In 1940, he started his novitiate at Pibrac, near Toulouse and in 1942, he moved to St Maurice L’Exile and was given a special ID card allowing him restricted movement. He and the other Maltese Brothers were almost discovered by the Nazi due to their British passports and they decided to flee from St Maurice L’Exil. Edward headed to the Immaculate Conception Boarding School in Bezier where he started his first teaching practice in an elementary class.

At the end of August 1944, since much of France had been liberated, he returned to St Maurice L’Exil to finish his studies and eight months later when the war was over, they were all sent back to Malta.

Since then, Brother Edward has been teaching and helping in the administration at De La Salle College for over 70 years. He was Director (1963-1968), Sub-Director (1968-1971), Director (1971-1974) and Teacher (1974-1975). After a Renewal session (1975-1976) in Sangre, he was again appointed Director (1976-1978), Deputy Head Junior School (1978-1980), Sub-Director (1980-1983), Sixth Year Master (1980-1985) and Director of Novices (1986-1990).

In 1990, Brother Edward was Head of Junior School and throughout the years he has always led by example making sure to encourage every student with his optimism and enthusiasm. In the new millennium when a lay Head took over the educational running of the Junior School, he took over the role of Mentor.

He continued to teach religion, take part in school assemblies, organise prayer meetings for both students and staff, animate Mass for the different year groups, attend all meetings, and contribute to the running of the school. 


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