Second Induction CPD of the summer taking place in Malta

The second District Lasallian Induction Formation CPD of the summer is taking place in Malta, with the event being hosted by La Salle Retreat Centre, Mellieha, from August 14th to 20th.

The Programme, titled ‘Strengthening Ethos in a Lasallian Catholic School’, welcomes participants from schools and centres across the District, and other countries across Europe.

This year sees the 11th edition of this programme which has been a highlight of the District Calendar since 2012 due to its innovative format and its transformative impact on many participants over the years. Due to its popularity, this year, the District has trialled this additional session in July along our usual August dates. 

Co-ordinated by Pat Walsh (Director of Formation), the programme will feature input from Emma Biggins (Director of St Cassian’s), Mariella Vella (Co-ordinator of Formation, Malta), Br. Aidan Kilty (Director of the Office of Safeguarding), Br Ben Hanlon (Brother Visitor) and John Biggins (District Office).

The programme commenced on Thursday June 15th with a welcome session and the Founder’s Story presented by Emma Biggins and Pat Walsh.

The CPD continued on Friday August 16th when Mariella Vella presenting, ‘The Lasallian Educational Mission’.

Day 3, was facilitated by Emma and Pat with the focus on Lasallian Spirituality: a Journey of Faith.

The programme also included a visit to Mdina on Friday evening, with our tour guides Maroushka Debattista (Assistant Head of School, DLS College) & Claudia Vella, (Assistant Head of School, Stella Maris College).


District unites to celebrate Br Edward’s 100th birthday


Lasallian Induction Programme comes to a close