District Mission Council paves the way for the 2nd District Mission Assembly

On September 23rd, 2022, the District Mission Council met in a hybrid format.  The meeting focused predominantly on the preparations for the 2nd District Mission Assembly that will take place in Malta between February 6th and 8th, 2023.  The meetings of the District Mission Council are also an opportunity for the national MEL Committees’ representatives to update one another on the initiatives, developments and plans at a local level.

Brother Visitor, Ben Hanlon, when convening the 2nd District Mission Assembly, called on the District Mission Council to act as the preparatory committee of the Assembly. At its September meeting the Council, looked at finalising the process leading to the Assembly, the schedule of work for our time together in Malta, the list of selected delegates, the identification of which Working Groups are required for the smooth running of the Assembly, and received a proposed Communication Strategy for the event.

The District Mission Council also spent time reflecting on the theme and focus of the upcoming District Lasallian Ministry Leaders Conference to take place in Dublin on November, 24th and 25th, 2022.

Finally, the Council had the opportunity to be updated on some of the exciting outcomes of the Institute-wide processes of the 46th General Chapter (May 2022) and 3rd AIMEL Reports (to end in November 2022).  The Council was also updated on the local initiatives concerning intentional Lasallian communities and is hopeful this work will be supported by many and produce bountiful results.


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District Council and Mission Team and planning for the future