Religion and History outing for De La Salle Senior School

Taking part in a Religion and History outing was just one of a number of exciting activities for the students of De La Salle Senior School Malta over the past few weeks.

Religion and History outing

Students from De La Salle College Malta took part in a Religion and History outing on the footsteps of Saint Paul in Mdina and Rabat together with a visit to the Roman house.

We started with a stroll to the fortified old capital city of Malta, Mdina entering from its main gate. We noticed on the back side of the main gate the images of Malta's patron saints: Saint Paul the Apostle of the Gentiles, Saint Publius - Malta's first bishop and Saint Agatha Virgin and Martyr. The Cathedral of Mdina was built after the earthquake which hit Sicily and Malta in 1693. According to tradition, the Cathedral is built where once Saint Publius' palace stood.

We then crossed to Rabat and passed through those narrow streets observing the niches with statues of saints. We paid a visit to Saint Paul's Grotto, catacombs and World War II shelters which are situated beneath Saint Paul's Basilica and the Wignacourt museum.

The Roman house known as the Domus Romana sheds light on the private life and habits of an ancient Roman aristocrat. Very little was recovered of the noble Roman town house (domus) itself, but the intricate mosaics and other artefacts that survived for centuries are testimony enough to the original richness of this dwelling.

Accidentally discovered in 1881, this site and the mosaics within, had the first ever purposely-built structure in the Maltese Islands meant to protect an archaeological site and collection within it.

Most of the Roman artefacts and antiquities, including the few remaining marble pieces scattered in the streets of Mdina, were transferred to the museum, officially opened in 1882.

The museum then continued to serve as a repository for all the Roman artefacts found around the island.

For the Form 1 Blue students, this outing was an adventure and they really enjoyed it!

Chess tournament

A group of fifteen students from Form 2, Form 3, and Form 4 came together to compete in the initial phase of the chess interschools tournament, resulting in a remarkable and unforgettable experience for both the students and teachers alike. Congratulations to all our students for their exceptional achievement! As the renowned chess Grandmaster, Garry Kasparov, famously stated, "Chess is a sport, a science, and an art."

Chef’s Challenge

De La Salle Chef's Challenge 2023. Well done to all Form 3's who participated in this competition and congratulations to 3 White for winning this year's chef's challenge.



Congratulations to all the students who participated in this year's interschools chess final! We are very proud of our own students, Noah Cauchi, Gabriel Grech, and Terrence Camilleri for placing 3rd out of 60 teams. Well done!

As the former World Chess Champion, Anatoly Karpov, once said: "Chess is everything: art, science, and sport."


Reading Ambassadors, Saviour Darmanin and Carmel Busuttil visited our College. After a reading session, the students participated by asking questions.

History and religion

Teaching History and Religion outside the classroom - a joint cultural visit to the Domus Romana, St Paul's Grotto, Wignacourt Museum, the Catacombs and some World War 2 shelters, because we believe that learning takes place when students are engaged and enjoying themselves.

Beach clean up

Form 1 White students walked along Marsascala and St Thomas Bay and picked up plastic pieces, fishing nets pieces, rope, cigarette tips as well as a big plastic container that came undone from a boat and washed ashore.

Plastic Pollution is everyone’s business

A group of Biology students from Form 3 were invited to Esplora Interactive Science Center, in Kalkara; during the ANDROMEDA citizen science campaign, where they were encouraged to participate in, or organise, a local beach microplastic sampling exercise. The success of this campaign will help scientists address this global environmental problem.


On Thursday 18th May, De La Salle Senior School, organised the annual Form 4 School Prefects Seminar on Leadership and Conflict Management at Brothers Retreat House in Mellieha.

Vol work Form 3

Our college strongly believes in the holistic education of our students. It is vital that they become aware of the different experiences faced by our fellow human beings as well as realise the joy of helping them. With this in mind, the school organised a voluntary work experience at Villa Chelsea, B'Kara which belongs to the Richmond Foundation and offers a one-year rehabilitation programme, as well as a day care centre, based on therapeutic community principles, which is aimed for adults ranging from 17 to 65 years who are diagnosed with a mental illness.

Fifteen students from Form 3, offered their time and energy to leave a better place for the residents to enjoy.

Digital Skills

The Malta Chamber recently organised a conference titled "Digital Skills, the AI Revolution, and Beyond" on May 25th, as part of the DS4AIR project. We would like to extend our congratulations to all the speakers, with special recognition given to Mr. Christopher Saliba, an educator at De La Salle College, as well as two former students, Mikea Dimech and Bernard Montebello.

The Malta Chamber consistently emphasises the importance of modernising employment and skills in its policy contributions, recognising the need to meet the evolving demands of an increasingly digital world.


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