Zoom conversation on ‘Lasallian Spirituality Today’

On Thursday June 15th there will be an international Zoom conversation centered around the recently released ‘Lasallian Spirituality Today’ booklet, and you are invited to attend.

The gathering will provide a short overview of the background of ‘Lasallian Spirituality Today’ and will be followed by in-language groups to share insights, observations and recommendations for sharing its potential with the rest of the Lasallian world. The calls will have simultaneous translation available.

‘Lasallian Spirituality Today’ is the fruit of three years of work by an international group of culturally and religiously diverse Lasallians, all of them eager and willing to share from their expertise, experiences, background and focused reflections.

It is organised and sponsored by the Secretariat for Association and the Lasallian Research and Resources Service.

The artwork for this booklet has been created by our Director of Formation and Vocation Ministry, Jo Millea.

For more details and a Zoom link, contact Heather Ruple at heatherruple@lasalleigbm.org.


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