Community spirit alive in St Stephen’s BNS

Staff and students enjoyed a very eventful end to the year with many events taking place that highlighted the great sense of community in the school.

Before Christmas we had 3 Brickz4Kidz Lego workshops for 1st and 2nd Classes after school in the hall. 16 families took part and it was lovely to get parents involved too. All 3 classes were a huge success.

At the moment we are running Maths4Fun in 1st class on Friday mornings. Parents are invited to come in and help and the boys are really enjoying having the extra help in the classroom. It has certainly been great FUN!

Our Parent’s Association ran a Christmas Raffle just before the holidays. There were lots of fabulous prizes. Top prize was a very cool bike. A little boy in Senior Infants won it and is pictured below with his prize.


Active time at Stella Maris Junior School


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