Active time at Stella Maris Junior School

At Stella Maris Junior School students have been very active of late with initiatives including looking after the environment and a visit from well-known footballers to promote reading.

The 3Rs Assembly by Grade 3 Benjamin

Grade 3 Benjamin students presented a short assembly to remind the whole school community about the importance of promoting the "3Rs" (reduce, reuse and recycle) so as to build a sound-material-cycle society through the effective use of resources and materials. Reducing means choosing to use things with care to reduce the amount of waste generated. Reusing involves the repeated use of items or parts of items which still have usable aspects. Recycling means the use of waste itself as resources. The students ended the assembly by singing a rap song in Maltese, Ambjent Sabih.

Reading Ambassadors

During the second week of this term, two famous Maltese footballers visited Stella Maris College to promote reading amongst the students. The Reading Ambassadors programme is a school based literacy initiative that promotes a positive attitude towards reading. Mr Carmel Busuttil and Mr Gilbert Agius, both Reading Ambassadors discussed a book with the students and spoke about their experience with books.

Climate Change

Grade 3 Arnold students prepared an Assembly about Climate Change - Our responsibilities for a better world! They explored actions we need to take to be able to fight climate change, thus we can protect the nature around us and the natural systems that we all depend on. By taking good care of our soil, forests and waters, we can also better tackle climate change and its consequences.


St Margaret Ward Students work on leading prayer


Community spirit alive in St Stephen’s BNS