Christmas Fun in De La Salle High School Downpatrick

With the Christmas tests completed, marked and returned, it was time in De La Salle High School Downpatrick to begin winding down after a very busy term.

The Student Animator Group and Mr. Keeley designed a few seasonal quizzes and challenges which were enjoyed by the year 8, 9 & 10 students.

The Year 8 students were challenged to find where Santa’s lesser-known Reindeer, De La SALLIE was hiding in the school over a period of four days. Many of the students successfully tracked her in the Maths Department, the Technology & Design Department as well as in the Office of the Vice Principal and the Art Room!

The Year 9 & 10 students undertook a two-part quiz: the first part tested their Christmas knowledge and the second challenged them to follow a trail of clues to find out information on our Founder, St John Baptist de La Salle.

The students enjoyed the fun of the quizzes and challenges which helped to get them into the Christmas Spirit. The Principal, Mr. Maguire, ensured there were some seasonal Prizes for the lucky winners from each group.

The Year 8 Students tracked De La SALLIE to many places in the school such as the Maths and Technology Departments. She was safely returned to Santa’s care by the 20th December!

The Year 9 & 10 students showed great knowledge of Christmas Traditions in their Quiz answers. They also showed great research skills when following the Information Trail on our Founder, St John Baptist De La Salle.

The Student Animator Group present our Year 8 students their prizes for finding De La Sallie who hid in the school over four days after our examinations.


Some of the Year 9 & 10 winners of the Cosmic Christmas Quiz.


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