Celebrating the Season of Creation

To celebrate the current Season of Creation, pastoral centres throughout the District have shared a message on how we can journey together in hope and action.

The Season of Creation 2024

In May 2025 Pope Francis’ Encyclical, ‘Laudato Si’ will be ten years old. Celebrate the close of this Season of Creation, by challenging yourself on 4th October 2024, feast of St Francis of Assisi, to make a change and celebrate the progress of that challenge in Laudato Si Week, 16th- 24th May 2025.

The theme for this year’s season is ‘Hope and Act With Creation’. This title might suggest our hope has waned and that we have actively worked against creation, both of which may be true. What is more true is the tireless efforts of many individuals and groups who in their own quiet way or by banding together have reached out in hope to create awareness of ‘the cry of the earth’, which is ultimately ‘the cry of the poor’. There are numerous Laudato Si groups throughout the island and eco groups in schools, many of whom link with local councils and environmental bodies to collectively promote ways in which we can make a difference. Trocaire which has for many years highlighted the plight of ‘the poor’, produces materials aplenty on practical ways we can make a difference.

We each must be a climate activist, we can’t all glue ourselves to roads or railings but wherever we find ourselves, speak out about our planet and what we can do. Make sustainable choices. Think about the food we eat, how far does it travel to reach our plates. The big bug bear of plastic (approximately 300 million tons of plastic is produced every year, more than 90% ending up in landfill), maybe try to cut down on plastic, one room at a time e.g. kitchen, bathroom. Fast fashion, or even not so fast, where does it come from, who made it, how much were they paid for the work and at what cost to their environment. Buy products which are accredited to ethical co operatives, Fair Trade businesses make a real difference to growers and their families. How do we travel, make it GREENER.



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