Castletown hosts Cemetery Day
Cemetery Day in Castletown was held on Saturday July 6th and it certainly was a day to be remembered.
Contacting the relatives of the deceased Brothers was entering the unknown as we had not a great number of contact phone numbers or emails at hand. To the amazement of all, some 230 turned up for the 2pm Mass with Fr. Joe Walsh O.F.M. being the chief celebrant. Everyone in Castletown was at hand to assist in the smooth running of events - car parking, making sandwiches, chatting with relatives, and offering cups of tea as people arrived.
Ciarán and Gobnait (Murphy) Tracey sitting on Brother Mike Murphy’s memorial seat
Mass was in the Novitiate Chapel and for the first time in ages, it was packed to the rafters. Only one heavy shower fell during Mass despite the dire predictions of Met Éireann.
Everyone assembled after Mass at the well-manicured cemetery for some prayers and blessings for the deceased. By 4pm everyone was safely back in the dining room for a feast of freshly made sandwiches, delicacies and piping hot soup.
Everyone had got a special Mass booklet beautifully prepared by Brother John McDermott which included an insert for families of Brothers to update their contact details for future reference. Everyone was in awe at the efficiency and welcome extended.
Over the meal was the perfect opportunity to have a chat with the relatives. All were loud in praise of the welcome they received. Both communities and staff on the compound the deserve great credit in organising the Day and as a result Cemetery Day will be an annual event from now on - always the first Saturday of July.