Busy and happy time at Retreat Centre, Dublin

We are all very relieved, reassured and encouraged by the successful transition from Kilmacud to Ballyfermot, in the establishment of the De La Salle Retreat Centre, Dublin.

It is wonderful to bear witness to the schools with whom we have had such a long history, invest in their students and in the transport to get them here to us in Ballyfermot. We continue to cast the net far and wide and again, we are encouraged by the positive response to the service we provide from new schools in new areas. 

Everyone who has come, has commended the new surroundings; the facilities both inside and outside. The students and teachers alike, comment on the extensive space and the sense of "home" the retreat house offers. We are able to take bigger groups without impacting the personal experience of our visitors. We are also able to offer a broader range of activities, reflections, sacred space and of course, fun. 

We have been on our Glendalough pilgrimage a few times now, quite deep into the season and have been blessed with wonderful autumnal weather as we climb the highlands and dip into the lakelands of our Garden of Ireland with a huge turnout of students.

It has been a very busy time but a happy time. We are grateful to the support of our relief staff who come in so willingly and with so much enthusiasm. Long may the work continue.


Reflections on a wonderful Malta experience


Special visitor at De La Salle College Macroom