Ardscoil’s prayer room dream becomes a reality

The dream of a student from Ard Scoil La Salle Raheny to have a dedicated Prayer Room as a quiet place to pray, reflect or just to be alone in a gentle space was realised at the beginning of Lent when De La Salle Order organised  a Competition among its schools.

The theme was ‘Our Lasallian World’ and it gave Ardscoil La Salle students the focus and energy to put their ideas into action.

An under used room was located and Keith, whose dream it was to have Prayer room, painted the window as  a stained glass.  On one wall the artists in the TY class painted a globe held in hands that either God’s or their own. A picture of the founder, Jean Baptiste de La Salle was found for another wall and the remaining wall holds a Cross, painted by an earlier generation of students.

Daniel, who had a store of Bible quotations, typed them up and laminated them for people to use for reflection in the Room. It is one beautiful space.

All are welcome to use this wonderful space.

Lenten Fast

As part of the celebration of Lent, Fifth Year students took on the 24 Hour Trocaire Fast. Although not all completed the Fast, they all developed some insight into  how difficult it is to for people to be without food or the means to afford food.

The school community reflected on the lives of people in Malawi who are experiencing drastic effects of climate change on their crops and on their livelihoods.


Formation for new SLT members in Malta


Filling our Buckets throughout Lent at  St. Benild