Filling our Buckets throughout Lent at  St. Benild

The theme for the season of Lent at St Benild School this year is inspired from a children's book entitled "Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids" by Carol McCloud. 

In class, good deeds which are performed by the children throughout the day are written up on large drops. During assembly time, each class made sure to place the drops in their class bucket. Moreover, we also encourage good deeds to be performed at home. A good deed a day is all it takes.

We suggested five kinds of good deeds which can be carried out at home during Lent. Each time the child does a good deed, he is to colour in a drop. On colouring a drop, parents reward the child with 10 cents for each good deed. All proceeds will be passed on to a Children's Home.

Weekly leaflets entitled 'Lent be like Jesus and Fill your bucket' are sent home too every Wednesday. These perfectly complement this Lent project. There will be six leaflets in all until the end of Lent. Each issue highlights the Gospel of the Sunday of Lent, as well as providing a related activity. 

This is a positive and child friendly way of experiencing Lent to the full.


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