Animators’ Gathering helps strengthen connections and share ideas

 The Animators’ Gathering 2023/24, held in Castletown on Monday November 20th and Tuesday 21st, proved not only to be very productive and informative but also provided the opportunity for Animators to reflect, share ideas and strengthen connections.

The gathering was co-ordinated by Anna Baird (Vice-Chair of MEL Ireland) and the variety of interesting and relevant topics covered over the two days, resulted in some very engaging sessions.

After the opening prayer on Monday evening, Anna outlined some of the MEL Ireland initiatives, including the very successful recent Student Leadership course. She also spoke about the Lasallian Competition and asked all schools to encourage students to take part.

Anna then led a creative exercise to remind all that they have many talents that makes everyone an important individual part of the overall Lasallian jigsaw.

Director of Formation, Pat Walsh, then spoke about his role and how that can benefit schools and facilitate the needs of Animators.

He also provided an update on the working group to establish the District Lasallian Animation Network (DLAN) which is designed to support to work of Animators. This prompted a very enthusiastic discussion with some very positive suggestions put forward.

On Friday morning, other District initiatives were discussed with Communications Officer, Eunan Whyte, providing an update on the Lasallian and Ecological Awareness Fund by sharing some of the initial thoughts and criteria involved.

Pat Walsh provided an overview of events during the year, including the Carol Service, Christmas card design, Student Leadership Programme, Lasallian Camp, Staff Induction, CPD opportunities and, the visit of Superior General Br Armin Luistro next year.

Animators were given an insight into initiatives in other schools with the sharing of Best Practice.

Breda Broderick and Mary Walsh from Ard Scoil La Salle Raheny began by detailing how their emphasis on student leadership resulted in the students developing a prayer group in the school.

Marise Robinson from St Stephen’s BNS in Waterford, outlined the Lasallian values are lived in the school through the many initiatives that are designed to help develop all aspects of the pupils’ lives.

Next up were Orna and Julie from De La Salle College Waterford who reflected on ideas that have helped the Animation Team to thrive, and ideas that have highlight the ethos within the school.

The final session saw a very engaging presentation from Joe Twomey (former Principal at De La Salle College Beneavin) entitled "Classroom Management in 21st Century Lasallian School”. Joe provided some very interesting insights and anecdotes, while prompting lively discussion and sharing of ideas.

The gathering concluded with Br. Tommy Walsh thanking all who had attended and contributed to a wonderful two days, and in particular, highlighted the efforts of Anna Baird in leading the event. He thanked everyone at Castletown for hosting and encouraged all teachers to continue the excellent work in their schools.


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