Leaders Conference highlights the wonderful sense of community across District

The passion, enthusiasm and sense of community that exists in our schools was underlined once again at the District Lasallian Leaders Conference GB in St Cassian’s Centre, Kintbury.

The gathering, on Friday November 24th and Saturday 25th, highlighted the great work being carried out across the District as Lasallian leaders shared wisdom and ideas, while also looking ahead to many initiatives in the near future.

In opening the event, Director of Mission, Joe Gilson, welcomed all in attendance, including Aidan Dowle (Headteacher at St Augustine’s) and George Mantillas (Acting Head at Beulah Hill) who were attending the conference for the first time.

Joe began by introducing the theme “Growing together in the Lasallian Dream”, as he reflected on the meaning of growth, togetherness and pursuing the Lasallian Dream. He highlighted the importance of The Leavening Project which emerged from the 46th General Chapter, and in making it clear that our mission to find those on the peripheries and be the agents of change.

The strength of the Lasallian values in our schools was obvious from the next session with the sharing of best practices.

Dominic McKenna, Headteacher at St Margaret Ward Catholic Academy, began by outlining how they had introduced a 1719 Society in their school, having witnessed how successful the group is in De La Salle St Helens.

Headteacher at St Illtyd’s, David Thomas, followed up by reflecting on their centenary celebrations and how this milestone helped them strengthen the Lasallian ethos in the school.

Andy Rannard presented on a very relevant topic as he detailed the lessons learnt by De La Salle School St Helens on the journey toward joining a Catholic Multi Academy Trust (CMAT).

In session two of the conference, Joe Gilson, discussed the four-year strategic plan which developed from the Mission Assembly. Work has already started on a number of the Direction Statements from the Assembly and updates were shared at the conference.

District Bursar, Kevin Humphrey, outlined the progress that has been made to the Lasallian and Ecological Awareness Fund by sharing some of the initial thoughts and criteria involved.

Heather Ruple, Co-ordinator of Lasallian Vocations, provided details on the work to establish the District-wide Lasallian Animation Network (DLAN)  which will allow great collaboration across the District and allow Animators to operate more effectively.

Day 1 was brought to a conclusion with an very informative presentation from Andy Bridson, Headteacher at Cardinal Langley High School, with an outline of the Laetare Catholic Multi Academy Trust, the structures that are in place and the next steps on that process.

On Day 2, when school heads were joined by Chairs of Governors, began with a welcoming address from Brother Visitor, Ben Hanlon, who thanked all for being in attendance and for the contribution they make to the world of education.

This was followed by a wonderful presentation from Br. Aidan Kilty entitled ‘Lasallian Dream: Leaven at the Periphery’. Aidan explained the Leavening Project and stressed that it is our roles to be the leaven in our school communities and to find those on the peripheries. A discussion followed on how we can meet the needs of those on the peripheries.

The conference continued with two parallel sessions that saw Trust Schools discuss the Scheme of Delegation in Trust Schools, while Associate Schools examined the draft Memorandum of Understanding for Associate Schools in the contest of MATs.

The final session saw Emma Biggins provide details on plans to celebrate the 50th anniversary at St Cassian’s, while Br. Ben revealed the plans for the visit of Brother Superior Armin Luistro next year. Br. Ben also reminded heads of safeguarding requirements and invited all to contribute to the Christmas Carol initiative.

Br. John Deeney then presented on the work of the Lasallian Projects and encouraged schools to get involved.

Br. Ben then brought the conference to a close by thanking all who had attended and contributed, the Mission Team for organising the sessions, along with Emma Biggins and her team for being such wonderful hosts.



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