Activities at De La Salle College Malta

It has been a busy time at De La Salle College, Malta, with many activities that reflect the enthusiasm and creativity of the students as they live the Lasallian values. See below for photos and details of some of the events.

A heartfelt thank you to all parents, guardians, students and staff of both the Junior and Senior school sections at De La Salle College for their generous donations of clothes, bags, gadgets, stationery and toiletries made to YMCA Malta. This initiative is in keeping with our Founder St John Baptist de La Salle’s mission to show Concern for the poor and Social Justice.

Form 3 Blue and 4 Scheme 5 winners of Founders Day Challenge with Stella Maris College.

Presentation skills are extremely useful, both in and outside the classroom. After completing the module on Communication, during our PSCD lessons, our form 1 boys were given a topic each and were asked to do some research and present it to their classmates.

A presentation is a channel for students to share with others what they have learned. It is also a chance to challenge and expand on their understanding of the topic by having others ask questions. Moreover, in the world of work, a confident presenter is able to inform and persuade colleagues effectively.

Form 4 scheme 1 Vet Hospitality students prepared some desserts which they had to modify according to different diets and conditions like nut allergy, vegan, coeliac and lactose intolerant.

Form 1 Activities to promote the Maltese traditions during the village feasts.

Several Form 4 students had the chance to learn remotely about the facilities at European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), the technical heart of the European Space Agency. The talk was led by Robert Willemsen from SPACETOURS Noordwijk for ESA, the European Space Agency. The session was live, interactive Virtual Tour of ESA ESTEC to discover the world of space, technology, and innovation.


Founder's Day Kickboxing/Fun Fitness session for Senior School students

Lasallian Awards 2021

Form 1 and Form 2 students from De La Salle College Cottonera and Stella Maris College Gzira, used their imagination and creativity by crafting their respective colleges into augmented reality using Minecraft. Microsoft Teams was used as a platform to connect the two Colleges together in order to exchange and explore the created projects.

Lasallian Awards Ceremony 2021


Andrew displays his talent for poetry


Online learning from a teacher’s perspective