Action packed time at De La Salle Junior School

 It has been an action-packed few weeks at De La Salle College Junior School in Malta with preparations for Easter, charity collections, baking and a special visitor.

1.      Prayer Spaces

De La Salle College Junior School is taking the opportunity to spiritually prepare their students for Easter by organising prayer spaces for all classes. The school recognises the importance of fostering a sense of spirituality in their students and providing them with a space to connect with their faith. The prayer spaces are available to all students and will offer a quiet and reflective atmosphere where they can centre themselves and prepare for the holy season.

The prayer spaces are also connected to the Lasallian 5 core principles, which guide the educational mission of Lasallian schools. The first core principle, faith in the presence of God, is exemplified in the creation of the prayer spaces.


2.      Thinking of others

The Year 1 and 2 students have launched an initiative to collect goods to donate to the Ursuline Sisters in Gwardamangia. The students have been encouraged to donate items such as non-perishable food, clothes, and toiletries to help support those in need. This initiative highlights the Lasallian 5 core principles, which are at the heart of the school's educational mission.

The first core principle, faith in the presence of God, is demonstrated through the students' willingness to help those less fortunate. By taking action to support the Ursuline Sisters, the students are showing their faith in God and their commitment to serving others.

The second core principle, concern for the poor and social justice, is also evident in this initiative. The students are collecting goods to support those in need, which aligns with the Lasallian mission of working towards a more just and equitable world.


3.      Easter Biscuits (Figolli)

De La Salle College Junior School is taking a creative approach to prepare for Easter by having all students participate in an initiative to prepare a variation of a popular Maltese Easter sweet called Figolla. This fun activity not only provides a fun and enjoyable experience for students but also offers an educational opportunity.

The process of baking an Easter biscuit involves several steps, which provides a unique opportunity for students to learn about cooking and baking techniques. They learnt about the history and significance of Easter and how it is celebrated in different cultures. This offered an excellent opportunity to incorporate interdisciplinary learning into the curriculum and provided students with a hands-on learning experience.

Furthermore, the initiative to bake Easter biscuits is an excellent way to promote teamwork and collaboration among students. By working in small groups, students learnt to cooperate and communicate effectively with each other, developing important life skills that are essential for their future.

The initiative to bake Easter biscuits promoted creativity and imagination. Students used their creativity to design and decorate their biscuits, which was a fun way to express themselves and showcase their artistic abilities.


4.      Joseph Calleja Visits De La Salle

De La Salle College was delighted to welcome the world-renowned tenor Joseph Calleja for a visit to the school. Joseph Calleja, who is known worldwide for his powerful and passionate performances, visited the college to show his gratitude towards Brother Edward, one of his former teachers, for his years of service.

During his visit, Joseph Calleja had the opportunity to reminisce about his time at school and catch up with old classmates and teachers. It was a heart-warming moment for everyone, and the students were excited to meet such a famous alumnus.

Joseph Calleja's visit was particularly inspiring as he highlighted the impact of the Lasallian education he received during his time at the college. He stated that his experiences at school were instrumental in his success as a world-renowned tenor.

The visit by Joseph Calleja was a reminder of the importance of education and the role that teachers play in shaping the lives of their students. It was a momentous occasion for the school community, and the students were inspired by the success of one of their own. Joseph Calleja's visit is a testament to the impact that a Lasallian education can have on the lives of its students, and the importance of always striving for excellence in education.


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