Abundance of talent at Macroom is underlined again

The abundance of talent at De La Salle College Macroom was underlined once again when one of our students, Tiarnan O'Donoghue, was running in the Doneraile cross country competition on Saturday.

Tiarnan gave a fantastic performance and came 3rd in the 4000m race. Tiarnan has a natural ability in athletics which is being nurtured by his coaches at Togher A.C.  

Well done Tiarnan we are all very proud of you.

The 6th year Irish class had a very enjoyable afternoon in the Everyman Theatre today where they saw the drama “An Triail” which is on their Leaving Cert course. Using puppets, masks, engaging visuals, these wonderful actors from the award-winning Irish language theatre company Fíbín gave a vivid depiction of Irish society, culture and values in the 1950s.


Variety of groups attend Castletown retreat centre


Street Art at DLS College Jersey