Street Art at DLS College Jersey

As a part of a new Lasallian Art initiative a local street artist Vince Talcone shared his expertise with students at De La Salle College Jersey while creating our first Street Art Mural, that will be one of many.

Now we are running a new Street Art Afterschool club. The students that sign up are taught how to use a spray can to create beautiful pieces like this.

This is all links together with our Lasallian art competition that is taking place from October to December. The theme for this year is our schools mission statement.  

Be happy in the Lord, achieve excellence, we are one Lasalle, undivided.

which includes a quote from St Paul, our College motto and the District wide Lasallian motto.

Primary are producing artwork linking to our mission statement and Secondary are being asked to submit a photograph. The winning design will appear on the front cover of our school calendar and have their piece commissioned to become a mural on an external wall of the College by Vince Talcone. The winner will be decided by a panel of judges that will be made up of members of our Lasallian community local and global.

Everyone is excited to see the vibrant art work in and around the school as students participate in this new creative endeavour. Bringing life and colour to walls around our school.


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