Variety of groups attend Castletown retreat centre

Retreats continue apace at De La Salle Retreat Centre, Castletown, and we have had a wide variety of groups in the past few weeks: Prefects, 6yrs, 5yrs, TYs,  2nd yrs, and 1st yrs from Carlow, Dublin, Limerick and Offaly.

Every student is valued and we are so privileged to be able to welcome them to us and to spend time with them in discussion, prayer, reflection and fun. We also had the privilege of welcoming many Lasallian student leaders to us and facilitating a meditation workshop for them.

We thank them for fully engaging with us and wish them every success in their leadership roles. May they continue to 'touch hearts'.

As we head towards the October mid term, we give thanks for all the blessings we have received.  


Invitation to design District Christmas card


Abundance of talent at Macroom is underlined again