Waterford start basketball season with a bang

De La Salle College Waterford’s 2023/24 School's Basketball season has tipped off with a bang with notable performances in their opening games.

The school has returned to the Southeast region and our first outing was our young U16 squad who took on CBS Kilkenny in our hall. It was our first real get together and came up short losing 48 points to 37. They showed some great promise and more training under Br Pablo will certainly improve them.

Our U19 basketball squad hit the ground flying with a very narrow win over CBS Kilkenny 63pts to 62pts. They certainly keep us at the edge of our seats. We wish both teams every success for the rest of the season as games come rapidly over the coming weeks. A great welcome we extend to Br Pablo and Mr Tyrrell who manage and coach the teams.


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