Warm welcome during Malta schools visits

Auxiliary Visitor, Br. Tommy Walsh, and Director of Formation, Pat Walsh, continued their visits to schools in Malta on Friday March 8th when they visited De La Salle College.

Br. Tommy and Pat met with Br. Edwinn Chircop and, principals of the three schools, Nic Mifsud, John Portelli and Norbert Zahra.

Auxiliary Visitor, Br. Tommy Walsh, and Director of Formation, Pat Walsh, began their visits to schools in Malta when they visited Stella Maris College on Tuesday March 5th.

The day began with a special welcome from all at the Junior School, where Br Tommy addressed the students at assembly. They had the pleasure of meeting Head Noel Abela, and members of the senior leadership team, Ms Borg, Mr Deguara and the Director of Educational Mission in Malta, Stephen Cachia.

Br Tommy and Pat followed up with a visit to the Senior School and a meeting with Head Emmanuel Cilia and his leadership team. They were also privileged to meet members of the student leadership team.

The visits continued this afternoon when Br. Tommy and Pat called to St Benild School where they met with Claudia Vella, assistant head. Br Tommy also took the opportunity to present certs to some of the students.


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