St Illtyd’s working towards Duke of Edinburgh Award

The latest news from St Illtyd’s Catholic High School includes an update on the Duke of Edinburgh Award, Shwmae Day and Spotlight on Transition.

Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri- Snowdonia National Park Visit for the Duke of Edinburgh Award

During the first weekend of October 2022, a group of thirteen Year 11 learners undertook a challenging Duke of Edinburgh silver award training weekend in Snowdonia (Eryri) national park. The group had already completed their bronze award and now working towards their silver needed to gain some experience working as small groups in more challenging mountainous terrain.

Over the weekend the group had to overcome and deal with the best of Welsh weather that rolled off the mountains and into our camp at the rather exposed Llyn Gwynant Campsite. The group had to set up camp, cook and look after themselves for the whole weekend as well as taking part in a couple of challenging days out walking and navigating in the mountains.

Day one included a walk in the Ogwen Valley where the group enjoyed the epic scenery that Cwm Idwal presented. Cwm Idwal has been attracting climbers, hikers, geologists, biologists, and botanists alike for many years. The most notable of Cwm Idwal’s visitors is Charles Darwin, who conducted much of his scientific work in the area. The group thoroughly enjoyed the short scrambling tasks I set for them on the many small crags and boulders nestled in the glacial cwm. This all proved excellent preparation for the following day.

On day two we attempted to summit Snowdon via the Pyg Track. A large landslip on the main road between the campsite we were staying at and the Pen Y Pass carpark stopped us from accessing the main carpark for Yr Wydffa (Snowdon) meaning we had to walk significantly further to even start our day out on the mountain.

For any aspiring hill walker, Yr Wydffa poses one of the best mountain challenges our country has to offer. Standing over 3000ft tall at 1085 metres and with its summit protected by rocky, exposed and steep ground to all sides, the group had a huge undertaking ahead of them. After a long and challenging climb all members of the group made it to the summit of Yr Wydffa.

“I found the climb up Snowdon horrible and my legs and feet have never felt the same again. However, the views and the feeling of accomplishment outweighed all of the pain” said Sofia Bahrami (Year 11 and member of the group).

We then descended back to camp to cook dinner and enjoy a well-earned hot chocolate and evening spent by the campfire. On day three we got up early, packed up camp and set off back down south before the forecasted rain set in.

The group showed amazing resilience and teamwork in what was a challenging but amazing few days spent in the mountains.

Thank you to the staff that gave up their own time to make this expedition happen and a massive well done to the group on all that they have achieved this year in working towards both their bronze and silver Duke of Edinburgh awards.

  • Henry Tay, Teacher of Music and Duke of Edinburgh Centre Manager

Shwmae Day 2022

Pupils at St Illtyd’s enjoyed celebrating Shwmae Day this year.  Year 7 took part in a quiz, pinned the tail on the dragon, ate Welsh cakes and of course, spoke lots of Welsh!  Pupils throughout the school took part in a quiz in registration and were encouraged to speak Welsh.  A great day was had by all!  Thank you to Dafydd Tomos, Megan Gwynne Carroll and Amber Forsey in the Welsh department for organising the day.

Spotlight on Transition at St Illtyd’s

At St Illtyd’s, our aim is to ensure that by the time a pupil begins with us in September, we have done everything we can as a school to make them feel less nervous about taking their big step into high school. To achieve this, we have a transition programme in place that begins when pupils are in Year 5.

This year our Year 7 pupils settled in extremely well and this was a result of our newly established programme which is outlined below.

Our Headteacher, Mr D B Thomas says, “Transition is vitally important to the continuity of support and care for the young people who come to us.”


Session 1- Year 5 Taster Sessions- Summer Term (July 2022)

Our transition programme begins in the summer term when pupils are in Year 5. Pupils from our four Catholic feeder primary schools (St John Lloyd RC Primary School, St Cadoc’s Catholic Primary School, St Alban’s RC Primary School, and St Peter’s RC Primary School) came to St Illtyd’s and took part in a science and design technology lesson. In science, pupils experimented with different chemicals and equipment. They used acids and fire to create coded messages and found out how we make different coloured fireworks. In design technology, pupils followed instructions and used hammers and nails to create bee hotels.


Session 2- Year 6 PE/Q & A Taster Sessions- Autumn Term (October 2022)

During the autumn term, Year 10 ex-pupils from our four feeder Catholic schools made a return visit to their schools to lead a PE session with pupils who are now in Year 6. All the pupils selected are pupils who are studying GCSE PE as an option subject, so this initiative also helped develop their coaching skills. After a fun PE session, Year 10 pupils then held a question-and-answer session with the Year 6 pupils. This was a fantastic opportunity for Year 6 pupils to ask anything they wanted to know about St Illtyd’s and high school in general. As an alternative activity in St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, our Year 10 pupils were given a tour of the school by members of the school’s Senedd, before going into Year 6 classes to answer questions. It was great to see all the changes that have taken place at St Peter’s during our visit.


Session 3- Open Evening- Thursday 20th October 2022

On Thursday 20th October, the doors of St Illtyd’s were opened to prospective pupils and their families in our Open Evening. Our departments worked hard behind the scenes to create engaging activities for our visitors. The English department offered Word Wizardry in the Harry Potter room and sharing stories of myths and legends in another. The Maths department challenged pupils on their times tables and got them to solve problems on the giant floor calculator. Our science labs were buzzing with different activities on each table and delighted visitors with a demonstration of methane fire bubbles!

Elsewhere there were music and drama demonstrations in our Performing Arts department, “Dw i'n hoffi Cymraeg” hats to make in Welsh, word activities in Spanish, food tastings & sewing machines to try in Design Technology, badminton to join in with in the Sports Barn, a huge collage to add your mark to in Art as well as a display of work, a crime scene investigation in History, flag matching, grid reference & Kahoot activities in Geography and decorating our Jesse tree in RE with prayers and wishes for the world.

In addition to this our beautiful Chapel was open to visitors and displayed food that had been collected by pupils in our Harvest Food Bank appeal. And finally, our canteen offered tasters of food and displayed typical meals that can be purchased there.

The open evening was a huge success with 203 pupils and their families attending. Our visitors were extremely complimentary about our staff, our pupils, and the school building. Many current pupils supported departments and offered tours- they were all amazing and fantastic ambassadors for our school.


Session 4- Year 6 Taster Session- Spring Term 2023

In spring term 2023, we will invite Year 6 pupils from our feeder Catholic primary schools to a taster session to give them another insight into a lesson at St Illtyd’s. These sessions will take place in our Music, Art and RE departments.


Session 5- Year 6 Enrichment Days- Summer Term 2023

In summer term 2023, all pupils who have chosen St Illtyd’s as their school are invited to an “Enrichment Day”. They spend the day with their Head of Year and Assistant Head of Year and take part in a variety of activities to familiarize themselves with the school.

Finally, on the 5th of July 2023, all pupils will be invited to St Illtyd’s for the day for an enrichment day in which they will have a tour of the school and experience a full day of lessons. These days give pupils the opportunity to really understand what a day in St Illtyd’s involves.

Coupled with this, our Wellbeing Team will liaise with primary schools to gather information on our future pupils and will organise bespoke enhanced transition visits when necessary.

And then the cycle will begin all over again with Year 5 pupils.

  • Paul Moriarty, Deputy Headteacher



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