Unique initiative helps share Lasallian values

De La Salle Junior School, Malta, have commenced a unique initiative to promote moral values and positive behaviour. The idea was inspired by teacher Stephanie Magri who explains what the idea is all about.

As an educator, I believe that educators play a key role in the development of children. Teaching entails not just imparting knowledge in the form of classroom instruction, but also transmitting morals and values that will enable our students to function as productive citizens and caring human beings.

The times are changing, and more people are discovering that when it comes to child development, a good character is unrivalled. It's high time to make moral values and positive behaviour a priority in the curriculum and instil them in our school setting.

During a brainstorming session, I suggested that we use the ‘be' theme, and thanks to my colleagues, we took it on board and broadened my idea even further, so that throughout the coming school year, we will focus on various important values such as being brave, curious, nice, caring, and respectful. Furthermore, the homophone 'bee' is used, resulting in a bee mascot and the Bee Lasallian slogan Bee anything you want to be!

  • Stephanie Magri


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