Brothers make welcome return to Castletown Retreat

Castletown was a hub of activity from Tuesday September 28th until Saturday October 2nd when 15 Brothers gathered for their Retreat - the first gathering of such a nature since Covid visited our shores. A further 20 Brothers and “clusters” joined the presentations online via Zoom.

Sr Liz Murphy, a Mercy Sister facilitated the Retreat on the theme “Spirituality & Ageing” with three keynote presentations as follows:

Day 1: Personal growth & development; God and me

Day 2: Community as source of nourishment and fraternity: God in Us

Day 3: The wider world and our responsibilities: God and the Global community

She was a wonderful presenter and brought great insight, compassion and wisdom to her talks. We include her first presentation in pdf format in the current newsletter and you will receive the next two in November and December. Why not use her presentations in your group or community?

Click here to download Personal Growth and Development; God and me. 

Click here to download Community as source of nourishment and fraternity: God in Us

Click here to download The wider world and our responsibilities: God and the Global community

Fergus Dunne gave another fine presentation on his new book,  'De La Salle Teacher Training College Waterford 1891 to 1939’. Until Fergus took on this project, much of what happened in Waterford College during the first 50 years or so was hidden history - we’re truly grateful to Fergus for the great love, expertise and commitment he brought to this project.

On Thursday evening, Brother Aidan Kilty (General Councillor) spoke to the gathering on Restructuring in our European Region and its implications for our District. His talk reminds us all of Cardinal Newman’s famous quote: To live is to change, and to change often is to have lived well.”

Fr Joe from Miguel House celebrated Mass during the Retreat for the participants and on Saturday, there was a ritual blessing of our cemetery which was followed by a special Mass of Remembrance for all those who had died since our last gathering. It was really a very touching ceremony.


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