Teaching and the Lasallian values are a perfect match for Mariella

An incredible journey of teaching and caring took a new turn for one of the District’s most dedicated Lasallians on Tuesday July 6th when Mariella Vella officially retired from her position as Head teacher at De La Salle Junior School in Malta.

While Mariella naturally experienced a mix of emotions as she left the school on her final day, she is certainly entitled to feel a great sense of pride at what she achieved over the years.

For almost 40 years, Mariella has been an inspiration to her students in both senior and junior school, but in typically modest fashion she is quick to point out that she feels grateful for the opportunity to pursue her passion for teaching in an environment that very much reflected her own personal values.

“Looking back I consider myself very fortunate to have worked as a Lasallian teacher and I feel that everything fell into place for me when I started because the values really suit me as a person. In terms of how I want to live, my world view and my passion for education – it all came together for me within a Lasallian school. I just love all that it stands for. It makes perfect sense to me”, she explained.

While teaching and living the Lasallian values was a great experience for Mariella, she explained that her connection was greatly enhanced by meeting others in the global organisation.

“Perhaps my Damascus moment was when I began to experience the international dimension of the organisation such as travelling to Rome for meetings for being involved in ASSEDIL. That really broadened my horizons as I began to see things from a different perspective.

“I remember in 2006 shortly after I was appointed head teacher, I was invited to an international assembly in Rome. We were preparing for the General Chapter and there were delegates from all over the world, but it was mind-blowing and a life-changing experience that allowed me to take those ideas back to the school”, she continued.

While Mariella considers herself fortunate to have become part of the Lasallian Family, she recalls that it was something that came about somewhat by accident.

Already showing the traits of a Lasallian, Mariella had travelled to Kenya as a lay missionary teacher after graduating, and was only home when she got the call from De La Salle College.

“I returned to Malta in February 1982 and was planning to have a nice long holiday before the new school year started. However, as soon as I got home I got a call from the De La Salle College asking me to help out as a teacher had left. At that stage I didn’t even know where the school was but I borrowed my Dad’s car, went to the school and I haven’t looked back since.

“I had an indirect connection with the De La Salle when I was young as my father worked for St Michael’s Training College for a time so there were Brothers around, but then my Dad moved on”, she explained.

Mariella’s teaching ability and values proved to be a perfect match for the school and it is little wonder that she flourished. Having reached the position of Assistant Head, Mariella was appointed Head of the Junior School in 2006.

“That was a great challenge but overall I really enjoyed it as it was an amazing journey. There were many challenges along the way but nobody could have been prepared for Covid. It was a difficult time for everyone but it was amazing to see how people rallied together and the staff went over and above what is expected of them to ensure the children continued to get a good education”, continued Mariella, who, not surprisingly, is planning to keep busy in her retirement.

“I’m sure it will be a bit strange but the first thing I have to do is find my bearings. It’s the first summer that I won’t have to prepare the timetable so that will be unusual. Instead, I have applied to give online Maltese and English lessons to migrants for a few weeks – so I suppose I will always be a teacher”, she laughed.

Mariella is also keen to remain part of the Lasallian Family and has promised to help out in any way she can.

“I really hope to stay involved as I am currently on the MEL Committee in Malta and I am keen to share my experiences. I have been blessed and enriched by my experience and I aim to be of service.

“The values of faith, service and community are so important to me as there is so much depth in those concepts and it is vital to let them grow and nurture you.

“There is so much hope, love and passion in the Lasallian world. As someone once asked me – “Have you caught the Lasallian bug yet?”, concluded Mariella.



Junior school take part in eTwinning Project


Retired not Expired!!