St Joseph’s host online carol service

For the second year running St Joseph’s College Beulah Hill moved their Carol Service online and in a very short space of time turned around a fantastic service for all to enjoy from the comfort of home. It has been viewed over 1600 times and has been shared on multiple platforms.

The students, both readers and performers, who were involved were fantastic throughout the whole process and were a credit to the college.

We are hoping that next year we are able to host people, however thank you to all of those who supported this year's service.

If you wish to view the service you can find the link below:

Foodbank Contribution

A huge thank you to all of those who contributed to the Christmas foodbank collection before Christmas. We managed to collect a record number of items and this is testament to the generosity of our amazing community.

Our Head Boy, Josiah, and Head Girl, Fariha, were on hand to drop off the collection in Streatham at the Norwood & Brixton Foodbank.

We will be doing another collection in Easter time.


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