St Joseph’s continue to experience Quality Education

Students at St Joseph’s College Beulah Hill continue to be given the opportunity to enhance their learning with a number of very informative trips and visits.

CSI Workshop

On Monday 4th March, Year 12 scientists at St Joseph’s College Beulah Hill had the opportunity to delve into the world of forensic science, through engaging in an immersive CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) workshop.

This remarkable opportunity ignited their passion for the intricacies of investigative science, providing students with the practical experiences needed to support their assessments. This session was delivered under the guidance of forensic expert Matt Hackett from Thinkers in Education.

Our young scientists demonstrated impressing skills solving multiple cases through delving into the captivating realm of crime scene analysis.

Brilliant Club

Over the last few weeks, 15 Year 10 students have been exploring feminism as part of the Brilliant Club Scholars Programme. They have attended weekly tutorials with their PhD mentor and during these tutorials they have discussed various articles about feminism and why it is still relevant today.

The students have read short stories such as ‘Girl’ by Jamaica Kincaid (1978) and compared this with Gloria’s monologue from the ‘Barbie’ movie (2023) to explain what fictional narratives can tell us about the lives of women and girls.

The students are now drafting their final 2000-word essay titled ‘How do women writers portray the complex and contradictory nature of feminism?

“I’ve learnt to look at things from different perspectives regarding feminism. I feel that this course has helped me to grow as a person and formulate clear developed arguments. I am currently preparing for my final assignment which I feel has given me some experience of what it is like to be a university student! I recommend this course to any Year 9s who are offered this course next year.” Ryan Weathers - current Brilliant Club member

Year 8 Health and Safety Morning

On Thursday 7th March, Year 8 had a Health and Safety morning in which they received talks from the Police, Ambulance and Fire services. These were incredibly useful and practical sessions which gave our students lots of tips on how to stay safe and protect others.

 For more news from St Joseph’s read the March SJC Newsletter and Secondary Newsletter


Embracing the Lenten journey at St Peter’s


Seeing Beyond CPD deepens understanding of Lasallian Ethos