Embracing the Lenten journey at St Peter’s

During the season of Lent, there have been many opportunities at St Peter’s Bournemouth to encourage and support staff and students on their Lenten journey.

Lent began at Primary phase, with a whole school Celebration of the Word, where children we encouraged to think the importance of Prayer, Fasting and Giving, and to think about the Lenten promises they would like to make this year.

Our Y4 and Y5 children led classes Masses, with readings and prayers on the themes of Forgiveness and Love.

We then had a ‘Reconciliation Week’. Interactive prayer stations on the themes of forgiveness, prayer and reflection were set up in our school Chapel. Staff and students were invited to spend some time at our prayer stations and enjoy the peace and prayerful atmosphere of our school Chapel. Thanks to the support of our local Clergy, over 300 students have received the Sacrament of Reconciliation over the past three weeks.

Our end of term liturgies which will focus on the stations of the Cross. Our Lasallian Leaders are preparing a beautiful, though provoking service and will dramatically re-create the events of Jesus journey to Calvary through words, pictures and prayers.

Bar Mock Squad winners

In a remarkable display of legal acumen, the Bar Mock Squad from St Peter’s School, Bournemouth clinched victory in their Regional Heat of the Bar Mock Trial Competition held at the Southampton Courts of Justice. This success earned St Peter’s an invitation to the prestigious National Final at the Royal Courts of Justice in London.

The Bar Mock Trial Competition is a unique event that simulates real court cases. Participating teams engage in a mock trial in front of members of the judiciary, who then decide the winner based on their mastery of the law, and their advocacy and oratory performance.

This year, we demonstrated exceptional skill and strategy, leading to a decisive victory. This is the seventh time St Peter’s has won a Bar Mock Regional Heat, and their third in a row at Southampton.

This victory is a testament to the squad’s cohesion and professionalism during the trials, and their tenacity over many weeks of practice.

With their sights set on the National Title, the team continued their preparation in what promised to be an immense, intense, and memorable shared experience at Nationals.

Special thanks to Nina Thrower, our female chaperone, and to Luke Herford, our coach.



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