St Gerald’s celebrate Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools took place from Sunday 21st to Saturday 27th of January 2024 on the theme of Catholic Schools as Communities of Service. St. Gerald’s DLS College embraced the theme of Catholic Schools as Communities of Service, weaving a tapestry of activities and reflections that celebrated our commitment to both faith and action.

Weather permitting, some classes had the opportunity to bond through walks around Lough Lannagh. These walks not only promoted physical activity but also provided a scenic backdrop for meaningful conversations and connections.

The week marked a significant reunion as SGC welcomed a past pupil, Deacon Mark Quinn, who was recently ordained to the diaconate. The return to speak with current students served as an inspiring testament to the impact of our Catholic education on the lives of our students.

First Years embarked on a creative journey, writing poems for National Grandparents Day.

Daily Mass in the Parish Church at 10:00 am became a spiritual cornerstone of the week, with some classes attending to collectively partake in the sacrament. The rich tapestry of faith was further woven by our LCs leading the Mass on Monday and our TYs taking charge of the Mass in the Church of the Holy Rosary on Friday.

As part of the Catholic Schools Week celebration, our 1st years actively participated in the Parish Mass, showcasing their commitment to both faith and community. The collaborative effort of 6th years, Ms. Loftus, Ms. Hiney, and the 1st-year Music class during the Mass was commendable, demonstrating the power of unity in our diverse community.


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