Sowing seeds of love at retreat centre in Castletown

In the first few weeks of January we usually relocate to the Main House as the Pastoral Centre is used by Limerick Diocese for youth leadership training (Anois programme). Since our return after the Christmas holidays, we have therefore been facilitating retreats in the Brothers' home. We are most grateful for the hospitality and accommodation shown to us and our school groups by the Brothers and the Main House staff. 

Over the  past few weeks we have welcomed Confirmation, 5th Year and Transition Year groups to Castletown and we have also facilitated online Confirmation retreat sessions to a small rural school in Co Laois.

A common comment from students and teachers who accompany the groups is how peaceful they find Castletown and how impressed they are by the grounds and facilities. It's a credit to the Brothers and all the Castletown staff and it's heartening to know that visitors appreciate their time with us and benefit from it. As one teacher said to us this week "This is such a really special place. You can really feel the sense of calm".

The first few weeks of 2024 seem to have flown by and we will soon be returning to the Pastoral Centre to continue our retreats. Like the daffodils in Castletown that will soon be displaying their full beauty, we hope that we plant the seeds among the young people and that they recognise their inner beauty and know that they are always loved by a loving creator.

In this season, may you enjoy bright days and may your hopes spring eternal.

  • The Pastoral Team


Many tributes paid to the late Br. George Whyte


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