Sharing Gratitude as District Chapter comes to a close

Day four of the District Chapter was held on Castletown on Saturday July 15th, which brought to an end the very successful event held over four days in the three countries in our District.

Once again, the gathering comprised informative presentations, discussion and reflection in an atmosphere that was positive and underlined the sense of great hope for the future.

The day, which was centred on the theme of gratitude and co-ordinated by facilitator Sr Liz Murphy, began with an extended morning prayer that incorporated the discernment process and election of the District Council members.

Following two rounds of voting, Aidan Kilty, Kevin McEvoy, Austin Gili and Martin Curran were elected to join Brother Visitor Ben Hanlon and Auxiliary Visitors, Michael Curran and Tommy Walsh, to serve on the council for the coming four years.

In congratulating the quartet on their election, Br. Ben reminded all that that they hold a very significant position in the District. He added that himself, Br. Tommy and Br. Michael greatly appreciate the wisdom they bring.

Br. Ben made a special mention of those recently involved in the leadership of the District, Laurence Hughes and Sean Sellors, for the wonderful contribution they have made over the past four years. They have been replaced by Br. Aidan and Br. Martin, with Br. Kevin and Br. Austin returning to serve for another four years.

Br. Aidan Kilty presented a follow-up to the discussion at St Helens on changes in the statutes in relation to administration structures in Malta, which were unanimously adopted by the delegates.

Following a presentation from District Bursar, Kevin Humphrey, on economic structures, Br. Ben provided an update on the Northern Ireland Trust.

The theme of ‘Gratitude’ was then explored in more detail, commencing with the viewing of the District gratitude video. This was an opportunity or representatives from head teachers, principals, Animators, committee members, pastoral centre directors and students from across the District to express their thanks to the Brothers.

All spoke of the great appreciation for the legacy the Brothers have created and how they are determined to continue that wonderful work into the future.

The day was also a chance for Brothers to show their appreciation for the opportunities they have been given throughout their lives. This was done through a contribution on the video and also through hand-written notes that were displayed in the room on the day.

A number of these messages were read out before the morning session concluded and they reflected that mood of appreciation and gratitude was felt in abundance throughout the day.

The afternoon session provided an opportunity to reflect on the four days of the Chapter and remind delegates of all that had been agreed and discussed.

The Concluding Liturgy with Community took place in Miguel House and included the Blessing Missioning of District Council and Chapter Ambassadors, followed by the formal closure of Chapter and celebratory meal.


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